Project Rifters

  • Research
  • Concept
  • Game design
  • Level design
  • UX design
  • Narrative

​A fantasy sport video game where 2 players compete with each other chasing an artifact through portals with magic spells.

    Achieved project goals:

  • Research competitive gamers, e-sport trends and market
  • Design a unique sport-like fantasy game with focus on magic
  • Create fast-pased, fun and balanced game loop for competitive audience
  • Design simple, clear and familiar controls for Keybord+Mouse and Gamepad users
  • Design one demo level for development and testing and one complex unique level to showcase game's potential
  • Playtest with the audience, evaluate and improve the gameplay
  • Polish the demo level, creating invisible barriers and forces to refine the gameplay
  • Genre: Sports, Fantasy
  • Target Audience: Competitive players; Teens, Young adults
  • Platform(s): PC
  • Engine: Unity 2019.3
  • Tools used: Affinity Designer, Blender, Unity, GitHub, Trello, Office, Hitfilm Express, Edraw MindMaster
  • Role(s): Game Designer
  • Team size: 6 people
  • Project Duration: 6 months
Graphic explaining another mechanics and controls itterations to developers

    Core gameplay:

  • Mini-map, shows ball's position on single axis between goals
  • Current score (amount of balls trapped in portals)
  • Ball pointer, shows direction to the ball when it's out of sight
  • Cooldowns for active spells

UI prototype

    In-game UI elements:

  • Match timer
  • Mini-map, shows ball's position on single axis between goals
  • Current score (amount of balls trapped in portals)
  • Ball pointer, shows direction to the ball when it's out of sight
  • Cooldowns for active spells

An arena in green mountains

    Level Design:

  • Designing a symetric multilayered arena layout
  • Placement of static traps with areas of effect (discontinued concept)
  • Each path allows different approach in defence and offence
  • Inspired by Machu Picchu ruins
  • Built with Unity ProBuilder